What are Affirmations?

Wanting to feel more confident? Inspired? Energetic? Loved?
Read on to find out how with Affirmations.
What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements about yourself or an experience. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.
An excerpt taken from Wikipedia:
Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything."
How do Affirmations work?
Our sub conscious decides most of the time on how we feel and act. Humans are hard wired to be cautious because of evolution where we are naturally inclined to stay safe and protected. So instead of feeling confident about for example, public speaking, we think of all the things that could go wrong BUT we can change the way we talk to ourselves with Affirmations.. Affirmations work when a certain phrase is repeated over and over again, this causes the sub conscious to start believing what you repeat you are. Like a mantra!
When should we use Affirmations?
Ideally, Affirmations should be repeated on a regular basis, the more you repeat it to yourself, the more it will sink into your sub conscious mind.
Who can use Affirmations?
Absolutely everybody! Big or Small!
Why are Affirmations important and how can I incorporate them into my life?
They are important to help you achieve your goals and to also become the best version of yourself. There are many ways to incorporate Affirmations into your life, some of them are:
- Affirmation cards
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Mantras *
- Reading
- Practicing self love and self care
*Our affirmation light is a mesmerising way to help with this.
For further reading, we love Louis Hay's affirmation page:
Now that you have this information, what are some things you will do with it?